Saturday, November 30, 2019

Social problem of football Hooliganism Essay Example

Social problem of football Hooliganism Paper Ever since football has been a sport, there has been the social problem of football Hooliganism. Football hooliganism refers to destructive behavior that is performed by football fans and is widely considered to be unruly and destructive behaviour. Actions such as fighting, vandalism and intimidation are carried out by football fans participating in football hooliganism. The behaviour is often based upon rivalry between different teams and conflict may take place before or after football matches. In this question I am going to be describing football hooliganism, explaining the theories behind it, what studies support the theories, evaluating these theories and then subsequently using alternative theories to explain how football hooliganism occurs. The key issue we studied in the social approach was football hooliganism; we looked at what it is, who gets involved, why is it such key issue in society and how can Social Psychology be used to explain why football hooliganism occurs. It is a substantially large issue society because the football hooligans believe that they’re above the law as they feel they can do it without any repercussions. There are many explanations of why football hooliganism occurs, but one we have looked at is Social Identity Theory. This theory states that just the simple act of grouping will lead to conflict, between in-groups and out-groups. When a person enters a football stadium and chooses to sit with a certain group of people (home fans or away fans), they are categorising themselves into that in-group, and the fans that are in the opposite side of the stadium are the opposition team, and then they become the out group. This is called social categorisation. We will write a custom essay sample on Social problem of football Hooliganism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social problem of football Hooliganism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social problem of football Hooliganism specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The second stage of Social Identity Theory is called social identification, and this occurs is when the people in the in-group find commonalities between each other. For example, in the context of football hooliganism, this is where they notice they are wearing the same shirts or colours as others around them. They then link their self-esteem to that of the in-group. They find differences between themselves and the fans in the out-group as they are wearing different shirts or colours and they subsequently realise that the out-group have different interests to them and they notice that they are people they do not wish to associate with. The final stage of Social Identity Theory is Social Comparison; this occurs when the people in the in group start to compare themselves with those in the out-group, and this forms out-group denigration and in-group favouritism happens. Out group denigration is the act of prejudicing [having a positive or negative opinion on someone based on little or no knowledge on them] someone or a group of people, or through discrimination, which is where they act on this opinion. In-group favouritism refers to the fact that under certain conditions people will preference and have affinity for one’s in-group over the out-group, or anyone viewed as outside the in-group. This can be expressed in evaluation of others, linking, allocation of resources and many other ways.people will do anything in order to boost the self esteem of themselves and the in group, by making the out group look bad, and this is achieved by either. In football this occurs when the in-group are chanting songs about the team they support in order to make them seem better than the other team; even if their team doesn’t win, they start chanting to make them seem better, and may even start fighting because they feel they need to win something. Social Psychology, in my opinion, can be used to understand, prevent and stop football hooliganism to some extent, as Social Identity Theory helps explain why football hooliganism occurs. For instance, Social Identity Theory states that when people enter a stadium, they choose to sit with people that also support the team they have come to the stadium to, and, furthermore, choose this group of people are their in-group. This is an example of Social Categorization.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Violence and Music essays

Violence and Music essays All music is not bad. Every so often a tragedy occurs in our country where a teenager or child is involved. These events, such as shootings or bombings are viewed often as the result of the young person being troubled or just plain violent. More commonly, a child is seen doing something bad or hurtful, but what triggers this violence? Is it the way the kid was brought up, or was it an outside cause? Many professionals believe that the source of the problem comes directly from the music kids listen to. Hard rock, metal, industrial, rap, and every other type of music that contains rough language and/or fast tempos are believed to be the main cause of violence in youth today. However, my argument refutes this theory. I believe that music, although it may bring out some feelings and emotions, certainly does not initiate violent behavior amongst our youth. Artist such as Will Smith make songs dealing with movies such as Men In Black and ild Wild West or songs dealing with fun and family such as Getting Jiggy With It and Just the Two of Us. Will Smith does not use profanity in none of his music, he announced this when receiving an award at the MTV Awards one year, and he doesnt provoke violence. Rap artist Lil Kim and R and B diva Faith Evans had beef but they didnt go violent with it. Kim was Notorious B.I.G.s protg while he was married to Evans. Kim was quite proud of her affair with Biggie, and she raps in the song Hold On featuring Mary J. Blige: He was my nigga and I was his bitch/ Had beef with his wife that aint patched up yet/ But I got love for your kids/ I put em in my will. And the point there is Evans didnt get upset with the lyrics and want to fight, she let it ride. Nelly, a rap artist, had beef with artist KRS One and it didnt lead to a violent nature. They had some misunderstanding with lyrics but they worked ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Pure Substance Definition and Examples

Pure Substance Definition and Examples In chemistry, a pure substance is a sample of matter with both definite and constant composition and distinct chemical properties. To avoid confusion, a pure substance is often referred to as a chemical substance. Examples of Pure Substances Examples of pure substances include chemical elements and compounds. Alloys and other solutions may also be considered pure if they have a constant composition. WaterDiamondGoldTable salt (sodium chloride)EthanolBrassBronzeSaline solution Examples of Substances That Are Not Pure In general, any heterogeneous mixture is not a pure substance. If you can see differences in the composition of a material, its impure, at least as far as chemistry is concerned. RocksOrangesWheatLight bulbsShoesSandwiches Common Definition of a Pure Substance To a non-chemist, a pure substance is anything composed of a single type of material. In other words, it is free of contaminants. So, in addition to elements, compounds, and alloys, a pure substance might include honey, even though it consists of many different types of molecules.  If you add corn syrup to the honey, you no longer have pure honey. Pure alcohol could be ethanol, methanol, or a mixture of different alcohols, but as soon as you add water (which is not an alcohol), you no longer have a pure substance. Which Definition to Use For the most part, it does not matter which definition you use, but if you are asked to give examples of pure substances as part of a homework assignment, go with examples that meet the narrow chemical definition: gold, silver, water, salt, etc.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Writer's choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 26

Writer's choice - Essay Example The theme of the program revolves around love, music, and friendship both in school and outside. Relationship building is one thing that I struggle with on a daily basis. Issues such as betrayal by a friend are some of the challenges that people of my age get every day and having a program that illuminates such is very important. I feel like the situations. What I go through is also experienced by others. The norms and values portrayed in Make it Pop are exactly those that real youth culture provides. There is a specific ay in which different genders are supposed to behave or respond to certain situations in the environment. For example, the program shows how young ladies typically behave in the presences of men and vice versa. The program, as seen, profoundly serves to magnify me as a young adult whose behaviors corresponds those that are shown. It goes beyond and provides some healthy tips on how to maneuver certain

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cultural Activity Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultural Activity Report - Essay Example Inside the book, there were different directions to various sections within the museum. In addition, it had a brief history of the museum. As I was walking, I noticed that the people who were attending the museum, were people from different ethnic background. Although, most of them were Americans and Chinese. Just like any other museum, they were dressed in casual clothes. The Museum has different sections: anthropology, archaeology, arms gallery, art, numistics, educational activities, botany, zoology, geology, children museum, and various laboratories. However, after visiting all the sections within the museum, there were two sections which caught my attention. This were the archaeology and the anthropology sections. The anthropology section, is basically concerned with preserving data about evolution of man and the activities that they were involved with. It is in this section that I managed to see the first computer that was built in 1930. The computer was about a half tonne and 10 meters long. The curator told me that it was slow, and it could not store information for more than twenty four hours. I also realised that up to today the way the Egypt pyramids were built, have not been understood. In fact, most researchers believe that the technique that the Egyptians used to build the pyramid is very advanced, and this therefore means that in terms of building technology, the earlier man may have been advanced than us. While, the archaeology section contained ancient Egypt pieces of arts, the protestant reformation arts, the ancient Chinese culture arts etc. Some of the ancient Egypt pieces of art which I saw were, the lion hunting cup, drachma, cow nursing its calf, and horse shaped drinking vessel; as well as images of kings. While, some of the ancient Chinese pieces of art I saw were, the travellers among mountains and streams by Fan Ku’an, and the three coloured ceramics (Tang Dynasty) by San Cai. Out of these arts, the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Greek Mythology and Athena Essay Example for Free

Greek Mythology and Athena Essay On the top of Mt. Olympus lived one of the greatest g o d d e s s e s , A t h e n a . A t h e n a w a s k n o w n a s a g o d d e s s o f w a r, w i s d o m a n d a r t s . S h e i s p o r t r a y e d a s s t r o n g , f a i r a n d m e r c i f u l . S h e h e l p e d m a n y w a r r i o r s o n t h e i r j o u r n e y s . S h e w a s g r e a t l y a d m i r e d b y h u m a n s f o r h e r c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o m a n . A t h e n a w a s a l s o v e r y i n t e l l i g e n t a n d t h o u g h t f u l ; s h e r a r e l y l o s t h e r t e m p e r  a n d p u s h e d f o r a s o l u t i o n t h a t w a s b e n e f i c i a l . A s y o u r e a d o n y o u w i l l f i n d t h a t A t h e n a w a s a g r e a t a s s e t t o t h e O l y m p i a n s a n d h a d f a r m o r e p o s i t i v e a t t r i b u t e s t h a n o t h e r g o d d e s s e s . The birth of Athena was more than an unusual one. Her m o t h e r w a s M e t i s a n d h e r f a t h e r Z e u s . Z e u s r e i g n e d o v e r a l l t h e gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus. It is no wonder that a god this powerful and dominant would need no woman to bear his  o f f s p r i n g . Z e u s w a s t o l d b y h i s m o t h e r a n d F a t h e r t h a t M e t i s w o u l d b a r e c h i l d r e n . Z e u s w a s n o t h a p p y a b o u t t h i s ; h e f e l t i t w o u l d j e o p a r d i z e h i s p o s i t i o n a s r u l e r. W h e n M e t i s w a s a b o u t t o g i v e b i r t h , Z e u s s w a l l o w e d h e r a n d i n t h e p r o c e s s g a i n e d h e r i n t e l l i g e n c e a n d w i s d o m . A t t h e t i m e Z e u s t h o u g h t i t w a s a g o o d i d e a b u t i t w a s n o w c a u s i n g h i m p a i n . H i s h e a d a c h e b e c a m e s o s e v e r e t h a t h e w o u l d d o a n y t h i n g t o r e l i e v e i t . H e gave permission for another god to hit him in the head with an axe. When he did this, out popped Athena full grown and w e a r i n g a s u i t o f a r m o r . A t h e n a b e c a m e h e r f a t h e r ’s f a v o r i t e . S h e r e m a i n e d h i s a l l y b u t a l s o h i s p r o t e c t o r. S h e p r o m o t e d h i s i n t e r e s t s a n d s e r v e d a s h i s a d v i s o r. A t h e n a a l s o i n h e r i t e d s o m e  i m p o r t a n t t r a i t s f r o m h e r m o t h e r a s w e l l ; w i s d o m a n d j u s t i c e were two of the big ones. A t h e n a w a s t h e g o d d e s s o f w i s d o m a n d w a r . S h e w a s normally depicted holding a spear, but she was known more for h e r r o l e a s m e d i a t o r a n d d i p l o m a t t h a n f o r a c t u a l l y f i g h t i n g i n b a t t l e . H e r d e c i s i o n s w e r e h i g h l y e t h i c a l a n d s e l d o m m o t i v a t e d b y h e r s e l f i n t e r e s t o r b e l i e f s . M a n y o f t h e G r e e k m y t h s t e l l  tales of her giving help to various gods, goddesses and hero’s a s t h e y w e n t i n t o b a t t l e . A t h e n a h a d g i v e n P e r s e u s h i s m o s t h e l p f u l t o o l t o s l a y M e d u s a , h i s s h i e l d . A n y o n e w h o l o o k e d t h e m o n s t e r d i r e c t l y i n t h e e y e s w o u l d b e t u r n e d t o s t o n e . A f t e r h e b e h e a d e s M e d u s a h e g a v e i t t o A t h e n a t o d e c o r a t e h e r a r m o u r. A l s o o n t h e v o y a g e b a c k f r o m t r o y s h e p r o t e c t e d U l y s s e s . T h e most help she gave though was to Hercules. She stood by his s i d e a n d w a s a g r e a t c o m f o r t t o h i m . A f t e r h i s p a s s i n g s h e w e l c o m e d h i m i n t o t h e g a t e s o f M t . O l y m p u s . A t h e n a c a m e d o w n f r o m M t . O l y m p u s a n d w a l k e d b e t w e e n t h e t w o a r m i e s a n d m a d e b o t h s i d e s s w e a r t o k e e p p e a c e , s h e d i d t h i s t o p r e v e n t t h e T r o j a n Wa r . U n f o r t u n a t e l y o n e o f t h e s o l d i e r s w e n t a g a i n s t h i s o a t h a n d l e t l o o s e h i s a r r o w ; t h i s w a s t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e  T r o j a n Wa r . A t h e n a e x p r e s s e d h e r a n g e r t o w a r d t h e s o l d i e r b y helping the other side to victory. In one of her most well known adventures Athena took shape of men, women and children to l e a d w a n d e r i n g O d y s s e u s . T h i s a l l o w e d h i m t o r e t u r n h o m e s a f e l y t o h i s f a m i l y a n d c h i l d r e n . Athena is one of the three virgin goddesses, referred to as a v i r g i n b e c a u s e s h e w a s a b l e t o r e m a i n u n s w a y e d b y A p h r o d i t e . Aphrodite is the goddess of love, marriage and motherhood. M o t h e r l e s s h e r s e l f , A t h e n a u s u a l l y p l a c e d P a t r i a r c h a l principles above motherly bonds. Athena not only gave to the w a r r i o r s b u t t o a l l h u m a n s . H e r r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s w e r e g i v i n g w i s d o m , i n v e n t i o n s , i n s p i r a t i o n s a n d p r o t e c t i n g t h e A t h e n s . O n e o f h e r g r e a t e s t g i f t s w a s h e r k n o w l e d g e o f t a m i n g h o r s e s , s h e taught the people of Cyrene and word soon spread. She also  c r e a t e d t h e p o t t e r y w h e e l a n d m a d e t h e f i r s t v a s e o n i t . S h e w a s a l s o a g r e a t w e a v e r a n d l o v e d t o d e c o r a t e . S h e w a s a g o d d e s s o f m a n y t a l e n t s a n d a n e x p e r t a r t i s a n . N o b o d y e v e r c a m e c l o s e t o s u r p a s s i n g h e r w o r k a l t h o u g h a y o u n g m o r t a l w o m a n n a m e d A r a c h n e ’ s p u t h e r t o t h e t e s t . T h e c h a l l e n g e w a s t o s e e w h o w a s t h e b e t t e r w e a v e r. A r a c h n e ’s t a p e s t r y h a d o f f e n d e d h e r g r e a t l y,  i t d e p i c t e d Z e u s a s a d u l t e r o u s . A t h e n a r i p p e d t h e t a p e s t r y t o s h r e d s a n d A r a c h n e e v e n t u a l l y h u n g h e r s e l f . O n c e A t h e n a h a d cooled off from what had happened, she transformed the woman i n t o a s p i d e r o u t o f p i t y. T h e w o m a n w a s n o w a b l e t o w e a v e b e a u t i f u l s p i d e r w e b s f o r e t e r n i t y. In the past Poseidon and Athena had a fight to take over a c i t y i n G r e e c e . To s e t t l e t h e a r g u m e n t , t h e y e a c h h a d t o g i v e a  g i f t t o t h e c i t y. T h e o n e w i t h t h e b e t t e r g i f t w o u l d b e c o m e l e a d e r o f t h e c i t y. P o s e i d o n g a v e a s p r i n g o f w a t e r t o t h e c i t y, b e c a u s e i t w a s s a l t w a t e r i t w a s o f n o u s e t o t h e p e o p l e . A t h e n a g a v e t h e c i t y a n o l i v e t r e e . F r o m t h i s t r e e t h e y c o u l d e a t , m a k e oil and have wood for fire. By ruling of the city, Athena’s gift w a s b e t t e r t h a n P o s e i d o n s . I n h e r h o n o r t h e y n a m e d t h e c i t y A t h e n s . T h e r e i s a l s o a p a l a c e d e d i c a t e d t o h e r i n A t h e n s . H e r s y m b o l s a r e t h e o w l a n d t h e o l i v e t r e e . T h e o l i v e s , t a m i n g o f t h e h o r s e a n d h e r c r e a t i o n o f t h e p o t t e r y w h e e l w e r e a l l c o n t r i b u t i o n s t h a t w e r e g r e a t l y a d m i r e d . O t h e r w o m e n r a r e l y t o o k t h r e a t t o A t h e n a ; t h e m o s t n o t a b l e e x c e p t i o n t h o u g h w a s h e r c h i l d h o o d f r i e n d P a l l a s . I n o n e o f t h e s t o r i e s P a l l a s a n d  A t h e n a w e r e b o t h t o m b o y s a n d i n s e p a r a b l e , t h e y p r a c t i c e d f i g h t i n g s k i l l s a n d s h a r e d p l a y f u l a d v e n t u r e s . D u r i n g t a r g e t p r a c t i c e , A t h e n a a c c i d e n t a l l y s h o t a n d k i l l e d P a l l a s w i t h a b o w and arrow. So distraught over the loss of her friend, Athena t o o k P a l l a s ’ n a m e a n d a d d e d i t t o h e r s . O f t e n t i m e s s h e w a s r e f e r r e d t o a s P a l l a s A t h e n a , t h i s w a s t o h o n o r h e r f r i e n d . N o t  o n l y d i d A t h e n a ’s d e c i s i o n s d e m o n s t r a t e w i s d o m b u t a l s o c o m p a s s i o n a s w e l l . I n a n o t h e r s t o r y a m a n n a m e d Te i r e s i a s a c c i d e n t a l l y w a l k e d i n o n A t h e n a w h i l e s h e w a s b a t h i n g . T h i s w a s a n a c t t h a t n o r m a l l y w o u l d h a v e b e e n p u n i s h e d b y d e a t h . Athena took pity on him though; she covered his eyes with her hands making the man blind. She gave him the gift of inner s i g h t. A t h e n a n o r m a l l y p u t p a t r i a r c h a l p r i n c i p l e s a b o v e  m a t r i a r c h a l b o n d s . S h e i d e n t i f i e d w i t h t h e p a t r i a r c h y a n d usually supported their side in a dispute. In the first trial of h i s t o r y, A t h e n a c a s t t h e f i n a l v o t e o n a c q u i t t i n g O r e s t e ’ s o f m u r d e r i n g h i s m o t h e r t o a v e n g e h i s f a t h e r ’s d e a t h . S h e w a s p e r s u a d e d b y A p o l l o w h o s a i d a m o t h e r ’s d e a t h w a s o f l e s s i m p o r t a n c e t h a n a f a t h e r. Wo m e n s i m p l y n u r t u r e a s e e d b u t m e n a c t u a l l y p l a n t i t . M e n a r e v i e w e d a s h i g h e r i m p o r t a n c e t o A t h e n a . M o r e t h a n a n y o f t h e o t h e r g o d d e s s e s A t h e n a r e m a i n s a s y m b o l o f k n o w l e d g e , w i s d o m , l o g i c a n d c i v i l i z a t i o n . A t h e n a r e m i n d s u s t h a t w e c a n s u c c e s s f u l l y u s e o u r i n t e l l e c t a n d c r e a t i v i t y t o r e a c h a n y g o a l s . WORKS CITED: 1. ) http://www. theoi. com/Olympios/AthenaMyths. html 2. ) http://ancienthistory. about. com/cs/grecoromanmyth1/p/Athena. htm 3. ) http://gogreece. about. com/cs/mythology/a/mythathena. htm.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Economic Agency of Women in Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Popu

The Economic Agency of Women in Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population It is difficult to examine the question of the division of labor within the household in Malthus’ writings as it seems to be entirely outside the scope of his work. Though his conclusions are predicated on the relationship between men and women, from reading his writing one has the distinct impression that women are not really a factor. In spite of this, an examination of the implications inherent in Malthus’ analysis is revealing of some basic assumptions he makes regarding the economic role of women. With particular regard to the question of agency within the marriage, Malthus’ arguments and conclusions are in opposition to the arguments put forth by Smith in his Lectures on Jurisprudence. Malthus builds his argument upon two axiomatic statements: â€Å"First, that food is necessary to the existence of man. Secondly, that the passion between the sexes is necessary and will remain nearly in its present state† (Malthus, 1798, Ch 1). Though he does not identify it as such, Malthus makes a third assumption: â€Å"Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometrical ration. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetical ratio† (Ch 1). What this creates, in his model, is a society that is driven by population pressures to expand and held back by a variety of checks. These checks divide into two basic categories, preventive and active. The active checks are what Malthus terms â€Å"vice† and â€Å"misery† and are interesting for the purposes of this paper only in that they are unavoidable aspects of every society. The preventive checks, however, are all predicated on members of society delaying marriage. These preventive checks, while the y vary in the speci... ...besides the cost they incur on the men who father their children. In conclusion, we return to Adam Smith’s model of marriage in his Lectures on Jurisprudence. For him, marriage was predicated on the next generation. It was a tool, not only to provide for the next generation as with Malthus, but for the very existence of children capable of inheriting and continuing the family line. Malthus creates a much more dismal perspective of children, the only product of women, as mere dead weight. In providing the next generation, women merely increase the pressure of population on the food supply, with no consideration on a micro level of the advantages of child bearing. References Malthus, Thomas R (1798). Essay on the Principle of Population [Electronic Version]. Retrieved September 19, 2003, from public/MalPopu.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

Study Guide Marketing Management Mba

Study outline schema question in preparation for final Exam MBA 531 1. What is marketing? Discuss the components of marketing? Marketing is the managerial function responsible for identifying and anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. It is a multi-disciplinary subject. The best way to gauge its scope is to know the components of it. There are four components of Marketing: The offer The market, The system and The forces. The offer: An offer is the outcome of marketing activities of the firm.An offer includes product or service and allied conditions of offer precisely, it includes â€Å"what†, â€Å"who† and â€Å"why† and through â€Å"whom† of the purchase. The Market: Market is the aggregate of forces or conditions within which buyers and sellers make decisions that result in the transfer of goods and services. In other words, it is the aggregate demand of the potential buyers for a commodity or service. The System: Marketing is co ncerned with the flow of goods and services from the points of production to the points of consumption. There is a systematic arrangement of these unctions of marketing to move the goods and services to the needy persons. The forces: The final component of marketing is to do with environment in which marketing takes place. It is taken as the final component because, environmental forces influence the nature and character of the â€Å"offer†, â€Å"market† and the â€Å"system†. Environmental forces contribute to every aspect of change and adjustment in a marketing network. 2. What are the major Functions of Marketing? Explain Marketing functions: Marketing function is an act or operation or service by which original product and the final consumers are linked together.The functions of marketing are â€Å"eyes and ears† of the business. Marketing is responsible for keeping the business in close contact with its environment and informed of events that influe nce its operations. Marketing functions are performed by the manufacturer and all middlemen in the machinery of distribution. 1 Marketing functions have been classified by different marketing experts in different ways. But the most acceptable and meaningful classification is as follows: Functions of Exchange 1. Buying 2. Selling 3. Pricing 4. Advertising 5. Sales PromotionFunctions of physical Supply 1. Transportation 2. Storage Facilitating functions 1. Financing 2. Risk-Taking 3. Marketing information 4. Marketing Research 5. Standardization & grading 6. Packaging 7. Branding 3. Explain the salient features of modern marketing? The following are the major features of Modern Marketing: 1. Modern marketing is consumer-oriented: in Modern Marketing what is offered for sale today is determined not by the seller at all. On the contrary, the seller takes the lead from the buyer what product is to produce to meet the demands of consumers.Therefore, the manufacturer can no longer determin e what the product should be without a close study of the needs and demands of the customer or user. It is more profitable as well as more responsible socially to find out when, where and what the people need and then set out to serve them efficiently. Thus, the modern marketing is not production oriented but customer-oriented. 2. Modern marketing starts and ends with the customer: Marketing starts and ends with the consumer, with information flowing from the consumer to the producer, and goods flowing back to the consumer from the producer.Under consumer oriented marketing, it is highly essential to know that the consumer really wants. This is possible only when proper information is collected 2 from the consumers. Therefore, to say that modern marketing starts and ends with consumer is true in all respects. 3. Modern marketing precedes and succeeds production: All organizations accept that the marketing activities start far ahead of production. It is not enough if the activities a re begun after the product is ready. The firm appreciates and understands the consumer’s strategic osition as a determinant of the firm’s survival and growth. In firms operating under the marketing concept, entire marketing is designed to serve consumer needs. 4. List out the various marketing concepts and suggest the one suitable to Ethiopia? There five types of marketing concept orientations that can be followed by the business firms to market its good or service. These orientations are Production concept: consumers will favor products that are affordable and available. Therefore organizations should increase their production and distribution efficiency.Product concept: consumers favor those products which offer high quality, performance and innovative features. Therefore, marketing strategy should focus on continuous product improvement. Selling concept: consumers will not buy the products unless the firm undertakes large-scale selling and promotion effort. Therefor e, the aim is to sell what the company makes rather than what the market wants. Marketing concept: achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfaction better than the competitors.Under this concept, customer focus and value are the paths to sales and profits. Therefore this is a customer-centered concept. The job is not to find the right customers for your product but to find the right product for your customers. Social marketing concept: the marketing strategy should deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the customer’s and the society’s well-being. Therefore it’s similar to the Marketing concept but adds the focusing on society’s well-fare. So there are three considerations underlying the social marketing 3 oncept: Consumers Satisfaction, Company’s Profit and Society’s Welfare. Considering the different aspects of these marketing concep ts and the economic structure of Ethiopia, I suggest that the production concept works for countries like Ethiopia who have huge labor force and abundant natural resources. The Managers, under production-concept, focus on achieving high production efficiency, low costs, and mass distribution. Therefore, it makes sense in developing countries like Ethiopia where consumers are more interested in obtaining the product than in its features.Manufacturing firms take advantage of the country's huge inexpensive labor force to achieve market expansion through production efficiency, low cost, and be successful in today’s competitive market. 5. â€Å"Marketing begins with consumers and ends with consumers†. Discuss. Marketing starts and ends with the consumer, with information flowing from the consumer to the producer, and goods flowing back to the consumer from the producer. Under consumer oriented marketing, it is highly essential to know that the consumer really wants. This is possible only when proper information is collected from the consumers.Therefore, to say that modern marketing starts and ends with consumer is true in all respects. 6. What do you mean by â€Å"integrated marketing concept†? What are its outstanding attributes? The management functional areas are interdependent and not independent. The marketing functions influence production, finance, personnel, and in turn is influenced by these functions. The various departments in the company must recognize that the activities they take may have profound effect on the company’s ability to create and retain customers.When all the departments of the firm work together for customer interest, it is integrated marketing. The modern marketing concept or integrated marketing concept is the best concept because it is characterized by the following attributes of integrates: A. consumer orientation, B. consumers Satisfaction, C. integrated Managerial action and D. Realization organizational goals. 7. Distinguish between Marketing and Selling. 4 Marketing is social process by which groups and individuals obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and freely exchanging something of value with others.Whereas selling is the process of exchange of something of value to another which leads increasing the volume of sales of goods and services through different mechanism. In selling, the company make sale what is easily made by the company but not what consumer wants. But in marketing, the company sells what the consumer wants. Therefore, the difference between marketing and selling is the differences exist between in selling and marketing orientation concept. 8. What is â€Å"market† what are the differences between market and Marketing? A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product.These buyers share a particular need or want that can be satisfied through exchange. Thus, the size of a market depends on the number of people who exhibit the need, have resources to engage in Exchange, and are willing to offer these resources in exchange for what they want. Whereas; marketing is a set of activities under taken by the company to identify, anticipate and satisfy the consumer’s requirement and meet them profitably. 9. What is a â€Å"marketing-mix†? Discuss its elements or inputs Marketing mix is the set of marketing tools that the firm uses to pursue its marketing objectives in the target market.These tools Classified into four broad groups that are usually kwon four Ps of marketing mix: are product, price, place, and promotion. Product is something to be offered to the market with different varieties of forms, quality, and size and so on. Price is the return for the product or service offered to consumer Place is the availability of offers at convenient location for the consumer. Promotion is the process of an attempt to increase the sales by convincing and persuading consumers to buy the product. 10. D efine marketing micro-environment. Discuss the components of marketing micro-environment.Micro environment is the forces which are close to the firm. These factors affect the firm's ability to serve its customers and it surrounds both the firm and the marketing mix. The forces in micro environment directly influence marketing manager's decisions and actions through their influence on consumer's reactions toward the firm's marketing mix and mixes. The 5 company itself (including departments), Suppliers, Marketing channel firms (intermediaries), Customer markets, Competitors and Publics. 11. Explain the impact of the following on the marketing management of a firm: a. demographic environment . economic environment c. Social environment d. Cultural environment Macro environmental forces that shape opportunities and pose threats to the company. A. Demographic environment: Demography is the study of human populations in terms of size, density, location, age, sex, race, occupation, and ot her statistics. It is of major interest to marketers because it involves people and people make up markets. B. Economic Environment: Markets require purchasing power as well as people. The available purchasing power in an economy depends on current income, prices, savings, debt, and credit availability.Marketers must pay careful attention to trends affecting purchasing power because they can have a strong impact on business. Marketers must carefully monitor economic changes so they will be able to prosper with the trend, not suffer from it. C. Socio-Cultural Environment: The cultural environment is made up of institutions and other forces that affect society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors. Certain cultural characteristics can affect marketing decisionmaking. Some cultural values and beliefs are open to change, therefore, marketers want to spot them and be able to apitalize on the change potential. 12. Comment on the marketing environment in Ethiopia? Marketing decisions are strongly affected by developments in the political and legal environment. This environment is composed of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence and limit various organizations and individuals. Sometimes these laws also create new opportunities for business. 13. What do you mean by â€Å"environmental scanning†? What are the different stages in environmental scanning? Marketing Environmental scanning refers to possession and tilization of information about occasions, patterns, trends, and 6 relationships within an organization’s internal and external environment. It helps the managers to decide the future path of the organization. Scanning must identify the threats and opportunities existing in the environment and an organization must take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the threats. 14. Discuss the marketing strategies a. Offensive Marketing strategy Firms engage in offensive marketing strategies to improve th eir own competitive position by taking market share away from ivals. Offensive strategies include direct and indirect attacks or moving into new markets to avoid incumbent competitors. Offensive marketing strategies take many forms from flanking attacks or bypassing the competition to all-out frontal attacks intended to defeat the competition with all available means at the attacker’s disposal Offensive Strategies are Frontal attack, flanking attack, Guerrilla attack, encirclement strategy, predatory strategy, Seek undefended markets, underdog strategy, Judo strategy and pivot and the hammer strategy b. Defensive StrategyBecause of ongoing rivalry, established firms need to engage in defensive strategies to fend off the various challengers. The primary purpose of defensive strategy is to make a possible attack unattractive and discourage potential challengers from attacking another firm. Defensive strategies work better when they take place before the challenger makes an inve stment in the industry, or if they enter the industry before exit barriers are raised, making it difficult for the challenger to leave the industry. There are two types of defensive marketing strategies. Pre-entry strategies are actions taken by incumbents before they are ttacked by challengers. Defensive marketing strategies may also take the form of post-entry actions that are initiated after the challenger has entered the market Defensive Strategies are classified as Pre-entry strategies are Signaling, Fortify and defend, Cover all bases, Continuous improvement and Capacity expansion. Post-entry strategies are Defend position before entrant becomes established; Introduce fighting brands and Engage in cross-parry 7 c. Niche marketing strategy: A niche is a more narrowly defined customer group seeking a distinctive mix of benefits.Marketers usually identify niches by dividing a segment into sub segments. The customers in the niche have a distinct set of needs; they will pay a premi um to the firm that best satisfies their needs; the niche is not likely to attract other competitors; the nicher gains certain economies through specialization; and the niche has size, profit, and growth potential. 15. Evaluate the role, scope and importance of Marketing Information System. In order to produce superior value and satisfaction for customers, companies need information at almost every turn.Good products and marketing programs begin with a thorough understanding of consumer needs and wants. Companies also need abundant information on competitors, resellers, and other factors and forces in the market place. Increasingly marketers are viewing information not just as an input for making better decisions, but also as an important strategic asset and a marketing tool i. e As a competitive advantage Market information includes all facts, estimates, opinions and other information used in marketing decisions, which affects the marketing of products.Therefore, the success of a p roducer or a merchant depends upon the knowledge of the demands of his product or products in the market. 16. What are the various stages through which the marketing research is organized? Briefly describe them. Marketing research is the systematic method of gathering, recording, analyzing and reporting of data and finding a solution relevant to specific marketing situation facing the company. † Marketing research process is a set of six steps which defines the tasks to be accomplished in conducting a marketing research study. : Problem Definition: takes into account the purpose of the study, the relevant background information, what information is needed, and how it will be used in decision making. . 2: Development of an Approach to the Problem: includes formulating an objective or theoretical framework, analytical models, research questions, hypotheses, and identifying characteristics or factors that can influence the research design. . 3: Research Design Formulation is a fr amework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information. : Field Work or Data Collection involves a field force or staff that operates in the field to collect data. 8 5: Data Preparation and Analysis: This is a process of concerned with the conversion of row data into information. 6: Report Preparation and Presentation: The findings should be presented in a comprehensible format so that they can be readily used in the decision making process. 17. Distinguish clearly between marketing research and Market research? Market research deals specifically with the gathering of information about a market's size and trends.Market research is the research that may be done into a single market, focusing on the size and trends in that market. Marketing research covers a wider range of activities. While it may involve market research, marketing research is a more general systematic process that can be applied t o a variety of marketing problems. 18. What do you mean by â€Å"Market Segmentation†? Explain its objective and importance. Market segmentation is classification of large market in to smaller reachable target markets based on their similar wants, purchasing power, and geographical location, buying attitudes, or buying habits.The main objectives of segmentation of market is to prepare different programs and strategies for all segments so that maximum satisfaction may be provided to all the consumers’ of these segments, and the object of earning maximum profit may be achieved. 19. Clearly distinguish â€Å"Market Segmentation† and â€Å"Product differentiation† Product differentiation A marketing process that looks to make a product more attractive by contrasting its unique qualities with other competing products. Successful product differentiation creates a competitive advantage for the seller.Physical products may vary in their Form, Features, Performanc e, Conformance, Durability, Reliability, Repair ability, Style & Design. Whereas, Market segmentation is classification of large market in to smaller target markets based on their similar wants, purchasing power, and geographical location, buying attitudes, or buying habits. 20. Explain different market coverage strategies which can be adopted by marketers. 9 21. â€Å"There is close relationship between market segmentation and marketing mix† Discuss. 22. Define â€Å"Product† and explain its essential features and importance.Product is something that can be offered to the market to satisfy the customer’s need. A product can be tangible and intangible which would be good, service, an idea, information, experience, place and person that satisfy the needs of the consumer. Physical products may vary in their Form, Features, Performance, Conformance, Durability, Reliability, Repair ability, Style & Design. 23. Briefly discuss the various types of consumer goods and their characteristics. Consumer goods are goods that are bought from retail stores for personal, family, or household use. They are grouped into three subcategories on the basis of consumer buying habits:I. Convenience goods II. Shopping goods and III. Specialty goods. I. Convenience Goods are items that buyers want to buy with the least amount of effort, and most are nondurable goods of low value that are frequently purchased in small quantities. II. Shopping Goods are purchased only after the buyer compares the products of more than one store or looks at more than one assortment of goods before making a deliberate buying decision. These goods are usually of higher value than convenience goods, bought infrequently, and are durable. Price, quality, style, and color are typical factors in the buying decision.III. Specialty Goods are items that are unique or unusual—at least in the mind of the buyer. Buyers know exactly what they want and are willing to exert considerable effor t to obtain it. These goods are usually, but not necessarily, of high value, and they may or may not be durable goods 24. What is â€Å"Product life cycle†? Discuss different stages of the concept with implications. The stages through which individual products develop over time, begins with the introduction of the product, and then it moves on to the growth stage, the maturity stage, and ends with a decline in the product's sales.This process product’s life cycle -period usually consists of five major steps or phases: 1) Product Development begins when the company finds and develops the idea of a new product. In this stage, sales are zero and investments costs are high. 10 2) Introduction is a period of slow sales growth and no profits as the product is introduced in the market. 3) Growth is a period of rapid market acceptance and increasing profits. 4) Maturity is a period of slowdown in sales and profits decline. 5) Decline is a period when sales fall off and profits drop. 25.Explain the marketing strategies which may be adopted during the lifecycle of a product. Marketing strategies during the life-cycle of a product Marketing strategies during product life cycle Introduction stage Rapid Skimming strategy, slow skimming strategy, Rapid penetration strategy and slow penetration strategy, Distribution arrangements are introduced, Aggressive pricing Growth stage Product improvement, new models are developed, Enters new market segment, Enlarges distribution channels etc. , barriers are licenses and copyrights, price discount Maturity stageConvert nonusers, Enter new market segments, Win Competitor’s customers etc, Marketing mix modifications in Prices, Distribution, Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, service, new brands are introduced, Promotion and advertising relocates from the scope of getting new customers, to the scope of product differentiation in terms of quality and reliability. 26. Explain the factors affecting the lif e-cycle of a product. Marketing and non-marketing factors contribute to new product failures. Researchers through several studies on new product success and failure described seven critical marketing factorswhich sometimes overlap. . Insignificant point of difference A distinctive point of difference is essential for a new product to defeat competitive ones-through having superior characteristics that deliver unique benefits to the user. 2. Incomplete market and product definition before product development starts A new product needs a precise statement before product development begins. Identifies a well-defined target market, specific customer’s needs, wants, and preferences; and what the product will be and do. Without this precision, huge amount money will be lost in research and development. 3. Too little market attractiveness 1 Market attractiveness refers to the ideal situation every new product manager looks for: a large target market with high growth and a real buyer need. 4. Poor execution of marketing mix 5. Poor product quality in critical factors One or two quality factors can kill the product, even though the general quality is high. 6. Bad/poor timing of the product The product is introduced too soon, too late, or at a time when consumer tastes are shifting dramatically. 7. Non economical access to buyers Many small manufacturers simply do not have the money to gain effective exposure for their products. 7. Explain the meaning and benefits of product diversification. What are the advantages and disadvantages of product diversification? Product diversification, Advantage, disadvantage Product diversification is a policy of management philosophy of operating a company so that its business and profits came from a number of sources, usually from diverse products that differ in market or production characteristics. Precisely, when a manufacturer or a distributor manufactures or distributes more than one product, it is known as â€Å"Product d iversification†.Advantages of product diversification Product diversification strategy brings in its wake some distinct advantages. They are: 1. Profit maximization: Product diversification increases the products and product types in the product port-folio of the concern. On account of increases in the number of products, it is possible to reduce the area of fringe market and the zone of indifference in the total market of a company and match larger number of consumer self-images. This product market integration brings in more profit caused by improved situation. 2.Growth with stability: New products in the company’s basket will enable it to exploit new markets and meeting the requirements of established markets in much better way than before. Increased market share is further sustained as the product-line is thoroughly overhauled to meet the changing requirements of the consumers. It 12 guarantees growth with stability because, it estimates seasonal and cyclical fluctu ation in demand and supply. 3. Long-term measure: Product diversification is not a shortterm measure which has far reaching and more durable influence on a company’s future.It requires adequate planning and due care and caution as it is likely to be misused. Disadvantage/ Weaknesses The most serious weaknesses or disadvantages are as follows: 1. Huge Investment: Any proposal for product diversification involves considerable investment of corporate resources in developing the necessary manufacturing and marketing activities. It is not easy to procure finances required for diversification purposes. 2. Risk-ridden: The risks involved in diversification strategy are in no way small.Though the diversification plan is undertaken to move up from the low level profits to high level, the dream remains dream because, consumer preferences change, competitors introduce close substitutes for the diversified products, and the government policies change. All these are sure to mar the profit potentialities of the diversification plan. 3. Trap of full-line competition: The trap of full-line competition is also a major drawback of the policy of diversification. Product diversification program involves addition of new products to the existing line to strengthen the competitive ability of the firm.With this effort to make the product portfolio full and complete, the firm is entering a trap which has no point of comeback. The competitors will not keep quite. They do add, hence, the firm adds again. It becomes a new war which is unmanageable and uneconomical at a point of time. The effect is sure collapse. 28. What is a â€Å"new product†? What are the stages involved in new product development? New Product Development Strategy The development of original products, product improvements, modifications through the firm’s own R efforts. Idea Generation: New product development starts with idea eneration. Idea generation is the systematic search for new 13 product ideas. According to one management consultant, companies â€Å"will run through 3000 ideas before they hit a winner†. Internal Idea Sources: Using internal idea sources, the company can find new ideas through formal research and development by picking the brains of its executives, scientists, engineers, staff and salespeople. External Idea Sources: New product ideas also come from watching and listening to customers. The company can analyze customer questions and complaints to find new products that better solve consumer problems.Idea Screening: Idea generation creates large number of ideas. Idea screening reduces that number – by spotting good ideas and dropping poor ones. Concept Development and Testing: A product idea is an idea for a possible product that the company can offer. A product concept is a detailed version of the idea stated in meaningful consumer terms. A product image is the way consumers perceive a product. Concept Testing: Concept testing calls for t esting new-product concepts with groups of target customers to find out if the concepts have strong consumer appeal. 29.What marketing strategies are employed while introducing a new product into the market? Marketing Strategy Development The next step is marketing strategy development. The marketing strategy statement consists of three parts: 1. The first part describes the target market, product positioning and sales, shares and profits goals. 2. The second part outlines the product’s planned price, distribution and marketing budget for the first year. 3. The third part describes long-run sales, profit goals and marketing mix strategy. 30. What is the â€Å"Consumer adoption process†? Describe the stages in the process of consumer adoption process.Consumer adoption process Deals with the question how do potential consumers learn about new products, try them, adapt to them or reject them? Adoption is an individual’s decision to become a regular user of a produc t. Stages in the consumer adoption process: Adopters of new products have been observed to move through five stages: 1. Awareness stage:-the consumer become aware of the innovation but lacks some information about it 2. Interest stage:-the consumer is stimulated to seek information about the innovation. 14 3. Evaluation stage:-the consumer considers whether to try the innovation. 4.Trial stage:-the consumer tries the innovation to improve his or her estimate of its value. 5. Adoption stage:-the consumer decides to make full and regular use of the innovation. 31. What is â€Å"pricing†? What are the major objectives of pricing? In the narrowest sense, price is the amount of money charged for a product or service. More broadly, price is the sum of all the values qthat customers give up in order to gain the benefit of having or using a product or service. A business firm can pursue any of the following major objectives through pricing: survival, maximum current profit, maximum m arket share or maximum market kimming. 32. Discuss briefly the procedure followed for determining the price of a product. Procedures followed in pricing Price denotes the value of product or service expressed in money. Price is a powerful marketing instrument. Price is one of the marketing-mix variables. Firms should be systematic in setting the prices. Certain logical steps are involved in the appropriate approach to pricing. The ultimate goal of price fixing process is to set a price that is compatible with the rest of the marketing mix. A systematic approach to pricing involves seven steps.These seven logical steps are: 1. Identifying the potential customer 2. Estimating the demand for the product 3. Anticipating competition 4. Determining expected share of market 5. Selecting suitable price strategy 6. Examination of firm’s marketing policies a. Product policy b. Channels of distribution c. Promotional policies 7. Selection of a specific price 33. Distinguish between skim ming price policy and penetration price. Marketing Skimming: Companies unveiling a new technology favour setting high prices to skim market revenue layer by layer.Market skimming makes sense under the following conditions: (1) A sufficient number of buyers have a high current demand; (2) the unit costs of producing a small volume are not so high that they cancel the advantage of charging what the traffic will bear; (3) the high 15 initial price does not attract more competitors to the market; (4) the high price communicates the image of a superior product. Whereas Market-penetration pricing is setting a low initial price in order to penetrate the market quickly and deeply- to attract a large number of buyers and win a large market share.The high sales volume results in falling costs, allowing the company to cut its price further. 34. Describe the chief pricing methods which are usually used to determine the price of a product. Methods of Product Pricing Companies select pricing meth ods that enable to reach a specific price for its product. The company usually considers customers’ demand, cost and the competitors’ cost, price and offer in selecting the pricing methods. The company might use the following pricesetting methods: Mark up Pricing: is setting price by adding a standard mark-up or profit margin to the product's cost.Targeting Pricing; the firm determines the price that would yield its target rate of return on investment (ROI). Perceived Value Pricing: is setting price for their product based on the customer's perceived value, not the seller’s cost as the key to price. They use non pricing variable in the marketing mix to build up perceived value in the buyers’ mind. Value Pricing: the company charges a fairly low price for a high quality offering. Value pricing says that the price should represent a high-value offer to consumers. Going –Rate Pricing: In going-rate pricing, the firm bases its price largely on competit ors' prices.Smaller firms â€Å"follow the leader,† changing their prices when the market leader's prices change rather than when their own demand or costs change. Auction-Type Pricing: Auction-type pricing is growing more popular; one major purpose of auctions is to dispose of excess inventories or used goods. In the auction type of pricing the auctioneer announces either minimum or the maximum price of a product and slowly increases or decreases until the bidder accepts the price. 35. What do you mean by â€Å"price discrimination†? What are its objectives?Price discrimination occurs when a company sells a product or service at two or more prices that do not reflect a proportional difference in costs. The basic objective of price discrimination is that, by setting different prices for the same product in different markets / segments, a business can increase its total sales revenues, increases market shares and use as defending marketing strategy. 16 36. What is break even point pricing? Break-even pricing is a strategy that yields zero profit on a transaction. At break-even pricing the sales revenue equals expenses and is calculated by totaling the fixed and variable costs.Break-even pricing may be used as an aggressive marketing tool for market expansion or penetration. Understanding break-even price points gives management the tools to work toward generating profits or whether or not to even enter a particular market. 37. What do you understand by â€Å"promotion†? Explain the objectives and importance of promotion. Meaning of promotion Promotion is the form of corporate communication that uses various methods to reach a targeted audience with a certain message in order to achieve specific organizational objectives. Objectives of promotion The possible objectives for marketing promotions may include the following.I. Build awareness New products and new companies are often unknown to market, which means initial promotional efforts must f ocus on establishing an identity. In this situation the marketer must focus promotion to: Effectively reach customers and tell the market who are they are and what they have to offer II. Create interest Moving customer from awareness of a product to making a purchase can present a significant challenge. The focus on creating messages that convenience customers that a need exist has been the hall mark of marketing for a long time with promotional appeals argeted at basic human characteristics such as emotion, fear, and humor. III. Provide information Some promotion is designed to assist customers in the search stage of the purchasing process. IV. Stimulate demand The right promotion can drive customers to make a purchase. In the case of products that a customer has not previously purchased or has not purchased in long time, the promotional efforts may be directed at getting customers to try to the product. V. Reinforce the brand Once a purchase is made, the marketer can use promotion to help build a strong relationship that lead to the purchaser becoming loyal customer.For instance many retail stores now ask e-mail address of customers in order to follow up and maintain their relationship. 17 38. Explain the different Kinds of promotion. There are two main types of promotion: I. Informative promotion: attempts to give lots of details about the product. This is often used by the Government, for example to inform people of new laws. Informative advertising enables firms to draw consumers' attention to a brand and educate them about distinctive features and benefits. This is especially important when a product is new or technologically complex.II. Persuasive promotion: attempts to persuade the consumer that he or she needs the product. Its role is to convince consumers that one product is better than another in meeting their needs and delivering specific benefits they seek. It can also be used to motivate a higher-volume or more immediate purchase than a buyer wou ld ordinarily make. 39. What is â€Å"Promotion-mix†? Explain the factors which affect the promotion-mix of a company. Promotional mix elements Promotion mix is a combination of the tools that are used to accomplish an organization communication objective. The romotion mix element include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity, direct marketing and internet marketing. Each promotional tool has its own unique characteristics and costs. a) Advertising: is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or service through an identified sponsor. It also includes any informative or persuasive message carried by a non-personal medium to achieve various marketing objectives. b) Personal selling: – is the form of person-to-person communication in which a seller attempts to assist/persuade prospective buyers to purchase the company product.Here there is a face-to-face communication with one /more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions and procuring orders. c) Sales promotion is consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate trial, or quicker or greater purchase, of particular products or services by consumers or the trade. d) Publicity/public relation: – is no-personal communication regarding on organization’s product, service or idea that is not directly for usually comes in the form of news story, editorial and an announcement about an organization and its product.Public relation has broader objective than publicity, as its purpose is to 18 establish and maintain a positive image of the company among its various publics. e) Direct marketing: -is use of mail telephone e-mail and other nonpersonal contact tools to communicate directly with or solicit a direct response from specific customer and prospects. Many forms: Telephone marketing, direct mail, online marketing, etc. ; Four distinctive characteristics: Nonpublic, Immediate, Customized, Interactive; Well-suited to highly-targeted marketing efforts. Factors in Setting the Marketing Communications MixCompanies must consider several factors in developing their promotion mix: Type of product market: Push-versus-pull strategy: A push strategy involves the manufacturer using sales force and trade promotion to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and sell the product to end users. A pull strategy involves the manufacturer using advertising and consumer promotion to induce consumers to ask intermediaries for the product, thus inducing the intermediaries to order it. This is especially appropriate when there is high brand loyalty and high involvement in the category;Buyer-readiness stage: Promotional tools vary in cost effectiveness at different stages of buyer readiness (awareness, knowledge, liking convincing, preference, and purchase). Product-life cycle stage: Promotional tools also vary in cost effectiveness at different stages of the product life cycle. Company market rank: Market leaders derive more benefit from advertising than from Sales promotion. Conversely, smaller competitors gain more by using sales promotion in their marketing communications mix. 40. Define â€Å"sales promotion†. Describe the various methods of sales romotion. Sales promotion is consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate trial, or quicker or greater purchase, of particular products or services by consumers or the trade. Sales promotion includes those promotional activities other than personal selling, advertising and public relations that are intended to induce buyers purchase or to stimulate dealer effectiveness in a time. Tools and Techniques of sales promotion 19 Two categories of sales promotion the trade oriented and consumer oriented sales promotion.Consumer sales promotion techniques are Price deal, Loyal Reward Program, Cents-off deal, Price-pack deal, Coupons, Loss leader, Rebates, Trade sales promotion techniques are Trade allowances, Dealer loader, Trade, Point-of-purchase displays, Training programs and Push money. 41. What is â€Å"personal selling†? Enumerate relative merits and limitations of personal selling. Personal selling: – is the form of person-to-person communication in which a seller attempts to assist/persuade prospective buyers to purchase the company product. Here there is a face-to-face communication with one /more prospective purchasers for the urpose of making presentations, answering questions and procuring orders. Merits and demerits of personal selling Merits of Personal Selling 1. Flexibility and Adaptability: Sales persons should adapt to each selling situation. Salesperson is to be sensitive to what is happening and flexible enough to make those adaptations. 2. Minimum Wastage: The efforts put in buy the salesman are highly focused on a single customer or a small group of customers. As a result of oral , face-toface presentation, the message is likely to reach the customer or customers without distortion and diffusion. 3. It is a Feedback:The salesman is, in effect, a marketing researcher. Being in direct contact with customers, he has the specific advantage of collecting and transmitting the relevant marketing information affecting his company, products and services and himself. 4. It creates impinge and Lasting Impressions: The process of personal selling is so direct and penetrating those long dashing business relations can be developed between the selling house and the class of customers. 5. It generates Gainful Employment Opportunities: Developing countries have the situation where people run after jobs rather than jobs running after people.Hence, there is good scope for self-employment and ready jobs in this line of selling. 6. Salesmanship makes the Economic System more Stable: Demerits of Personal Selling: 1. It is Expensive: 20 Personal selling, as a method of promotion, is quite expensive. Getting the good salesman is one thing and retaining them for longer period is another. 2. Problem of Getting Gifted Salesman: it is really very difficult to get a suitable salesman from the company's point of view. 3. High Stake in Consumer Loyalty: customer loyalty depends on the presence of a successful salesman.That is, firm's fortunes are tied to the loyalty of the customers which, in turn, depends on the very presence of a particular salesman or salesmen. 4. More Administrative Problems: Personal selling involves more administrative problems than impersonal selling. firm has to meet the challenges in the areas of manpower planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, motivating and controlling. 5. It is not an easy Profession: Salesmanship is not an easy job. It is needs long hours of hard work, to be away from family facing all the odds both mental and physical. 6.As a Profession has Little Respect: Salesmanship as a profession commands very little respec t. Many go in for salesmanship as it has easy entry points. 7. Mark of Fraud: In salesmanship, there are good chances of fraud and deception. Malpractices that are followed by salesman not all are sufficient to damage the very image of salesmanship the great art and profession. 42. What are the essentials of effective selling? Essentials of effective selling Personal selling is an art and a profession. It is a creative work. Success in personal selling depends upon the salesman and the framework in which he words.Personal selling demands a command over certain requisitions making selling a thrilling success. There are seven requisites or essentials of effective selling. They are: 1. Knowledge of self 2. Knowledge of product 3. Knowledge of company 4. Knowledge of competition 5. Knowledge of selling process 6. Knowledge of customers 7. Knowledge of advertising Knowledge of self: One should know himself and his own abilities and personality before embarking upon to do a particular job . Knowledge of Product: Product knowledge is almost inevitable, as the very existence of salesman is dependent on the products. So a 21 alesman should know all about his product: Materials from which it is made, how it is used and how it is maintained, Product features, Customer benefits and Selling points of the product in relation to its rivals and son. Knowledge of the company or enterprise: Most products, especially costly and complicated products, are not judged on their own merits. They are judged by the name of the company that manufacturers them. Knowledge of Competition: A salesman should constantly study the products offered by his competitors and determine their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to his own product.Awareness of competition enables a salesman if necessary, to compare his product with that of rivals on those points in which the buyer seems most interested. Knowledge of customers: A salesman must have adequate knowledge about both the customer’s w ants and desires, and the products offered by the company to satisfy customers. Knowledge of selling process: the salesman should have in-depth knowledge of the selling process and each stage of it. Selling process is made up of at least six stages to convert prospect into a customer.The stages are: prospecting, pre-approach, approach, presentation and demonstration, overcoming objections and closing the deal. A salesman should be well-versed in the principles and techniques of salesmanship. Knowledge of advertising: Publicity work undertaken by the concern is a good source of information and a force that creates a staged for his effective performance. Advertising copies helps him in planning his sales talk. Though advertising is an indirect way of selling, it supports and reinforces the efforts of salesman. Hence, a salesman is to study and analyze the advertisements. 3. Discuss the methods of personal selling? 44. What do you mean by â€Å"Advertising† Discuss its objective s and functions. Advertising: – is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or service through an identified sponsor. It also include any informative or persuasive message carried by a 22 non-personal medium and paid for by a sponsor whose product is in some way identified in the message. Depending upon the marketing situation, companies use advertising to achieve various marketing objectives: 1. To do the entire selling job (as in mail-order marketing) 2.To introduce a new product (by building brand awareness among potential buyers) 3. To force middlemen to handle the product (pull strategy) 4. To build brand preference (by making it more difficult for middlemen to sell substitutes) 5. To remind users to buy the product (retentive strategy) 6. To publicize some change in marketing strategy (e. g. , a price change, a new model, or an improvement in the product) 7. To provide rationalizations for buying (i. e. , â€Å"socially acceptable† excuses) 8. To combat or neutralize competitors advertising efforts. 9. To improve the morale of dealers and/or salesmen. 0. To acquaint buyers and prospective buyers with new uses of the product. 45. â€Å"Selection of advertising media should be preceded by an analysis of all factors involved in the total marketing situation†. What factors should you consider in such an analysis and why? 46. State the differences between advertising and Publicity? 47. What is â€Å"Physical distribution†? Explain its role in modern marketing. 48. What is â€Å"distribution channel†? What factors influence the length as well as width of the channel? 49. â€Å"Middlemen are parasites. They should be eliminated† Do you agree? Explain.Of course, why because in a Marketing chain where distribution comes, if i put it in a rough count, out of the 100% which we pay as MRP , about 40 % is the manufacturing cost and the rest 60 % is going as middlemen expenditure. We, the end cu stomers are paying 60% above the unit cost for a product. There are intellectual Distribution channels which will avoid these middlemen. Good Companies like Amway does that and in this case they can ensure that the original products reach the end customers. 50. What is tele-marketing? Telemarketing is one of the ways of direct marketing which involves the use of the telephone for the marketing purpose.The salesperson involved uses the telephone to directly convince the customer over 23 the buying of some kind of product or service with the complete information and detailing session. The telemarketing is basically categorized into two different types which are the Business-to-consumer telemarketing and the business to-business telemarketing. The most importantly used subcategories of telemarketing today are the Outbound and the inbound telemarketing. Outbound is the proactive marketing in which the customers either who exist lready or the prospective ones are all contacted directly f or the purpose of the marketing The Inbound telemarketing includes the reaction and reception of the orders and also information coming in so as to explain the customer about the product and give detailed information on which they are interested. 51. What is â€Å"international marketing â€Å"? Why firms want to go international or global? International marketing: is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote and direct the flow of a company’s goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.The only difference between the definitions of domestic marketing and international marketing is that in the latter case marketing activities take place in more than one country. The main reason for companies to go to international marketing is to exploit a better business opportunity in terms of increased sales and profits. Foreign markets may offer an opportunity for growth. The major reasons to go to international markets are : Market Saturation: When domestic markets are becoming saturated for faster than new markets are being found.Trade Deficit: To balance the trade deficit i. e. to balance import & export. Foreign Competition: Competition forced some companies to shift their products to foreign markets. Emergence of new Markets: The world is changing fast, resulting in the emergence of new markets. Eg. the growing Asian Markets. The Possibility of achieving economies of scale: In industrialized where economies of scale are feasible, a large market is essential, so it if the home market is not large enough, entering foreign markets may be an attractive alternative.Safety net during business downturns/to extend products life cycle/: Usually a recession starts in one country. Thus, firms that do business internationally can shift to foreign markets during recession. 24 To get cheap Labor costs: Since labor cost in developing countries is much lower than in the developed countries, it is economically att ractive for the companies to expand foreign operations. Tax Incentives: Some nations offer tax incentives to attract foreign business to their countries. To develop and /or test new products outside: This practice avoids exposure to competitors and to some extent, keeps new evelopment information secret until the product is ready for full introduction. E. g. Ford did much of its world car development in Germany. To find less competitive Markets: Some markets are less competitive than the home market of the company. 52. Explain the main tasks involved in international marketing? The International marketing Task is more complicated than that of the domestic marketing because the international marketing must deal with at least two levels of uncontrollable uncertainty instead of one.A foreign country where a company operates adds its own unique set of uncontrollable elements. With the growth of the number of foreign markets a company operates in, the variety of foreign environmental unc ontrollable become greater. A solution to a problem in a country might not be applicable to a problem in other country. To tackle these problems the following tasks should be considered. the market and 1. Distinguish between selling and marketing? Selling is the process of making the company’s sales volume increase 25 2.What is product positioning: Positioning is the act of designing the company's offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market? The goal is to locate the brand in the minds of consumers to maximize the potential benefit to the firm. 3. Direct and indirect channel distribution Direct distribution channel is marketing channel that has no intermediary levels; the company sells its product directly to consumers. Whereas indirect distribution channel is a channel containing one or more intermediary levels is called indirect marketing channel. 26

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Roman Architecture from a Typological Standpoint

History and Theory of Architecture and Design Discuss Roman architecture from a typological point of view by emphasizing:The displacement from preexistent to freshly developed typologiesThe accomplishment gained in building techniques wherever applicableSee at least two different types. List of Illustrations 1. Rome, Forum Romanum: program Steve Watson, 1996,The Roman Forum[ online ] . Available from Accessed 14ThursdayApril 2014 2. Athinais, Stoa Basileios: digital Reconstruction of the edifice Kronostaf [ online ] . Available from Accessed 14ThursdayApril 2014 3. Rome, Basilica Aemilia: program Vitruvius – De Architectura Libri X [ on-line ] . Available from Accessed 14ThursdayApril 2014 4. Rome, Arch of Augustus: a possible Reconstruction of the lift American Journal of Archeology [ online ] . Available from Accessed 14ThursdayApril 2014 5. Rome, Pantheon: program ( above ) and subdivision ( below ) My archicad [ online ] . Available from % 20Rome/Pantheo % Rome01.htm. Accessed 14ThursdayApril 2014 6. Rome, Pantheon: the dome Travel there guide [ online ] . Available from Accessed 14ThursdayApril 2014 It is hard, without any uncertainty, to discourse about what can be defined as Roman architecture. Roman civilisation covered a immense clip span that began with the foundation of theUrbs( as Rome was called by Latin authors and philosophers ) , traditionally dated to 753 BC, and collapsed with the autumn of the Western Roman Empire, in 476 AD. Therefore, it is deducible that all the populations it got in touch with over the centuries influenced its civilization. Unlike Grecian architecture, merchandise of a self-assured civilisation that was able to keep an unbelievable integrity of artistic intent and that is still recognizable today as belonging to the Grecian civilization ( Ward-Perkins 1912 ) , Roman art and architecture â€Å"Were born and took form in a universe that was already dominated both by the substance and by the thought of Grecian accomplishment, foremost through the Grecian settlements in the West, at 2nd manus through Etruria.† ( Ward-Perkins, 1912, p.9 ) As the consequence of the lucifer of these influences, it could be debatable to understand when it is appropriated to speak about Roman architecture as a definable architectural manner. Harmonizing to Sear ( 1982, p.28 ) , â€Å"It is when all the outside influences had been forged together and assimilated, when techniques and decorations were so to the full understood that they could be used with assurance to make something fresh and original. This procedure of hammering a new manner began under Augustus.† In this essay the displacement from the pre-existing to the freshly developed typologies and the proficient inventions produced by Romans will be analyzed by concentrating on the relationship between the Roman and earlier architectures. In order to discourse this alteration, four typologies, all belonging to the Augustan or subsequently periods, will be taken in consideration. In the first paragraph the writer will reason about the connexion between the Greek agora and the Roman forum. The 2nd typology will concern the beginnings and the chief characteristics of the Roman basilica. The 3rd typology discussed will see the honorific edifice. Finally, the writer will exemplify the typology of the spiritual edifices, concentrating on Roman temples and the Pantheon in peculiar. As antecedently said, it is merely with the beginning of the Augustan epoch that a proper Roman architecture developed. This happened when the Foster boy of Julius Caesar, Augustus, started a redevelopment undertaking of his new born empire’s capital metropolis. Like Suetonius ( 1977 ) studies, â€Å"He found Rome a metropolis of bricks and left it a metropolis of marble.† , and he did it harmonizing to his personal gustatory sensation and involvements. In fact, it has to be considered that a crowned head is by definition the â€Å"architect† of his land. Furthermore, the rise of the Empire is a minute of primary importance for the Roman history. Since that, the Romans of the Republic have ever avoided to allow a individual single keeping absolute power. From this position the slaying of Julius Caesar could hold been justified by the senator’s will of continuing the unity of the Republic. In 27 BC, upon the assignment of the first Roman emperor, all the po wers were put in the custodies of one, legalizing him to became non merely the swayer of the Roman properties but even a kind of God ; to boot, Rome was per excellence the symbol of the emperor’s power. For all these grounds it was inevitable that Augustus likings were a major factor in determining a public gustatory sensation ( Ward-Perkins, 1912 ) . One of the most representative plants in this sense is the continuance of the Forum Romanum, originally begun by Augustus’s male parent Julius Caesar. When believing about the Forum, it is ineluctable to seek to happen a possible connexion with the Greek agora, the public infinite built by the Athenians. The Grecian agora was the topographic point where administrative, politic, legal, commercial and moreover activities occurred and the stoa or colonnade porch was likely the most of import edifice standing in the square: it is defined by Watkin ( 1986, p.49 ) as a â€Å"Covered meeting-place for a broad scope of activities.† However, it has been argued ( Pergolis, cited by Carlos Zeballos ) that the purpose of the agora was to give the citizen uneasiness ; on the other manus the Roman forum’s intent was to do him cognizant of the State. The purpose of the Forum Romanum was to remind the Romans of the award of the old Republic, and the victory of the new leader, Augustus. This aspiration is proved by the plants he started since the early old ages of his reign in this location. Once the redevelopment undertaking ended, the forum consisted in two long basilicas ( Aemilia and Julia ) , three temples, two of them started by Julius Caesar ( temple of Concord and temple of Castor ) , and a new last one, dedicated to the Divus Julius, Augustus former male parent. The temple of Divus Julius was flanked by a monumental building, the Arch of Augustus. All of these architectural buildings played a cardinal function in the Roman history. The Roman basilica is one of the most representative typology of edifices in the Roman architecture. It operated as a meeting-place for the citizens, an exchange for merchandisers and even as a tribunal of justness. In this sense, it has been argued ( Purdue University ) that the design hailed from an Hellenic Hellenic edifice called Stoa Basileios ( Grecian: I I ¬ ) , located in the Athenian agora. In this peculiar instance, the interlingual rendition of the term Basileios is Royal: it was in fact identified as the place of the Archon Basileus, one of the nine head magistrates in antediluvian Athens, whose responsibilities were spiritual and juridical. It appeared to be a rectangular edifice with eight Doric columns along the facade and four interior ( Foundation of the Hellenic World, 2006 ) , a form that good reminds of the basilica. A last grounds of the Greek beginning of the Roman basilica is the spelling of the word basilica itself that, as Welsh stated, came from the Grecia n term â€Å"basilike† , which means â€Å"kingly† . The basilica normally had a rectangular program and it was usually timber-roofed. It besides could hold a rectangular tribune, a individual or two apsiss and an interior colonnade that divided the infinite. The city manager entryway could hold been on either the transverse or the longitudinal axes ( MacDonald, 1986 ) . An illustration of this typology could be given by The Basilica Aemilia. It was one of theearliest basilicas: the first building is dated from 179 BC and it is stated that it has had a two-storied colonnaded facade of 16 bays as a stoa. On the interior, it was located an enclosed hall, where the magistrate could pattern his work. The basilica was wholly rebuilt by Augustus. The Imperial basilica was divided in three parts: the porch, the hall and the †tabaerne† , six square room that were likely used as offices. This porch was absolutely similar to the 1 of the basilica Julia: it consisted in two floors supported by marble’s pilasters and columns. The land floor facade was divided in 14 arches overcame by a Doric Lodge. The usage of the arch is one of the inventions that distinguish Roman architecture from 1s that came before. Greeks ne'er learned to construct an arched building and used a post-and-bean construction, as they did in their stoa. This technique allowed Romans to construct larger suites: â€Å"Arches couldredirecta edifice ‘s weight over long distances to thick stations, leting for huge, comparativelyunobstructedsuites† ( essential-humanities ) . In this instance, because of the singular size of the room, it was necessary to present some metal ironss to reenforce the construction. From the porch, the visitant entered in a secondary room that worked as passageway to the cardinal hall. It consisted in three naves separated by columns ; the side’s 1s supported a 2nd floor. ( Sear, 1982 ) Traveling on, the 2nd type that will be discussed will be the honorific memorial, concentrating on the best-known 1s, the triumphal arches. Boldwin Smith ( 1956 ) asserts that the beginning of triumphal arches has to be sought in the ceremonials of deification of the sovereign that gave a heavenly content to an arched portal, as it happened during the Hellenistic Epiphany. He even stated that merely the common factors in the history of ceremonials could explicate the manner in which the arched passageway was used to mark the ceremonial of Latin Triumph. It was in fact a Latin version of an Etruscan rite in which the Triumphant One was acclaimed as a God. A monumental arch, despite its monolithic and elemental signifier, is a complicated sort of edifice. In every archway the radiality works in opposing way at the same clip, â€Å"It focuses down and in toward the curve’s unseeable centre point, but at the same clip suggests mutual extension fanning outward and upward†. ( MacDonald, 1986, p.75-76, 1sthappening within the paragraphs ) MacDonald ( 2neodymiumhappening within the same paragraphs ) explains that this implies a tenseness that is regulated and framed either by flanking walls, or monolithic wharfs and by masonry piled up above the arch and its supports: this counterbalance is so increased by adding orders and ornaments. Triumphal arches were built in Rome since the 2nd century BC, nevertheless it was Augustus who set the manner for constructing them all over the Empire ( Watkins ) . Sear ( 1982 ) states that in the Forum Romanum it was erected a triumph Arch known as the Arch of Augustus, rebuilt in the 19 BC perchance with fragments from an earlier one, dated 29 BC. A description is given by MacDonald ( 1986 ) : it was a ternary gateway in which the centre nothingness was arched and set between immense wharfs with a outstanding Attic above ; side gateways were trabeated. The orders stood on a pedestals and base on the same degree. The interior one was overlapped with the wharfs and topped by a Corinthian capital. Wilson Jones ( 2000 ) claims that about two-thirds of all imperial columns were Corinthian. This order in fact suited the emperors for many grounds: it was Augustus pick to advance an Hellenic image of his Rome, eventually capable of fiting Greece culturally. For Augustus ‘ purpose t he Corinthian order was perfect to arouse the yesteryear without falling in a mere transcript of Grecian architecture. Furthermore, the acanthus, the taking subject of the order, was a symbol of sacredness but it was non related to any peculiar deity. This characteristic permitted Augustus to advance his imagine of a God. Political deductions in Roman architecture were involved even in the last type of edifice that will be analyzed, the spiritual 1. Roman temples find their beginnings in both Etruscan architecture and, as the old 1s, Grecian architecture. Early Roman temples were realized in brick and followed Etruscan design by demoing high dais and deeply columned porch. After the 2nd century, Grecian orders begun to be employed in the lift and, like Grecian temples, they were east orientated. However, Roman temples tradition had a facade that was easy recognizable thanks to the monumental steps that leaded to the porch, the lone portion of the edifice in which columns were erected ( Dried-up 1982 ) . Above all the others, The Pantheon is the most known Roman temple and it is considered, together with the Parthenon, the most representative memorial of classical architecture. The first Parthenon, commissioned by Agrippa, Augustus’ general and son-in-law, is dated between 27-25 BC. The purpose was to stand for Augustus’ Imperial program’s chef-d'oeuvre: in fact it has been claimed ( Ancient History Encyclopedia, 2014 ) that it may hold been designed as a topographic point where the emperor could do public visual aspects in order to remind his people of his Godhead position. However, the edifice was likely destroyed by fire and rebuilt by Emperor Domitian. The temple once more was destructed by a lightning bolt. The current Pantheon was built by Adrian on his return trip to Rome as the new emperor in 118 AD. Alongside his designers, he decided to construct the new Temple by utilizing a new design that attempts to unify the Greek’s porch and the Roman rotunda ( Wilson Jones, 2000 ) , a typology that had already been used in earlier Roman temples. It has been argued that Hadrian’s purpose was to plan the Pantheon in order â€Å"to turn out that the Imperial order, with its regulation of jurisprudence and its nucleus for the Republic was portion o f the Godhead order, initiated by it and subsumed to it.† ( McEwan, 1993, cited by Art History Presentation Archive, 2007 ) . The accent of the edifice is wholly focused on the interior infinite. The formal strategy of the inside could look rather simple, a cylindrical membranophone topped by a dome. By contrast, this building shows all the astonishing abilities owned by Roman designers and applied scientists. The construction of the rotunda is composed by eight wharfs which support eight arches, which in bend correspond to the eight bays. From this position, the membranophone could be seen as an arched construction designed to cut down weight and minimise the effects of differential colony. Once once more the prevalent order is the Corinthian: Corinthian columns of giallo antico are free-standing in each bay and stand for a superb device to give graduated table. The dome was the biggest of all time realized until the devising of Santa Maria del Fiore’s one in Firenze by Brunelleschi. In blending the concrete, another of Roman’s most superb inventions, several make fulling stuffs were used and graded in order that the construction resulted lighter at the dome’s top by utilizing pumice. The oculus captivates visitor’s oculus and is the lone beginning of visible radiation in the whole edifice, possibly to mean that in the Temple of all Gods the merely light admitted can come from the celestial spheres above. ( Wilson Jones, 2000 ) . In this essay the writer has illustrated the development of the displacement from the preexistent typologies to the freshly developed 1s, every bit good as the proficient inventions implemented. Furthermore, the Roman emperors ‘ political and personal attack to their architectures has been discussed. Four instances of survey were presented: foremost, a relation between the Greek agora and the Roman forum was demonstrated by demoing similarities in their utilizations but different political purposes ; secondly, the writer illustrated the Roman basilica as a new type of edifice that perchance derived from the Grecian stoa. Traveling on, political deductions and Hellenistic beginnings have been debated and proficient characteristics have been shown by showing the triumphal arch ‘s typology. Finally, the last instance, the spiritual edifice type, has been analyzed by concentrating on the Roman temple with two intents: in the first topographic point to explicate analogies with earlier illustrations and so to depict one of the most important edifice in Roman architecture, the Pantheon. Bibliography Ancient History Encyclopedia ( 2014 )Pantheon[ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 05 April 2014 ] Art History Presentation Archive ( 2014 )The Pantheon and Hadrian’s Building Program[ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 05 April 2014 ] Baldwin Smith, E. ( 1978 )Architectural Symbolism of Imperial Rome and the in-between Ages1stEd. New York, Hacker Art Books Essential Humanistic disciplinesRoman Architecture[ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 05 April 2014 ] Foundation of the Hellenic World ( 2006 )Stoa Basileios[ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // view=ktirio & A ; pid=1 & A ; lang_id=en [ Accessed 05 April 2014 ] Mac Donald, W.L. ( 1986 )The Architecture of the Roman Empire, Volume II – an urban assessmentUsa, Yale University Press Purdue UniversityRoman Basilicas[ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 05 April 2014 ] Sear, F. ( 1982 )Roman ArchitectureLondon, Blatsford Academic and Educational Limited Suetonius, ( 1977 )The Twelve Caesar11ThursdayEd. trans. By Graves, R. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books Ltd Thayer, W. ( 2008 )Basilica Emilia[ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: //*/2/21.html [ Accessed 05 April 2014 ] Ward Perkins, J.B. ( 1977 )Roman ArchitectureNew York, Harry Adams Incorporated Watkins, D. ( 1986 )A History of Western Architecture3rdEd. London, Lawrence King Publishing Wilson Jones, M. ( 2000 )Principles of Roman ArchitectureSingapore, Yale University Press Zeballos, C. ( 2011 )The Agora of Athens Vs. The Roman Forum[ Online ] . Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 05 April 2014 ]

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Turmenistan

TURKMENISTAN†¦ LAGITIMATE? According to 1998’s recoded documentation, Turkmenistan has been under a dictatorship rule since the brake from the former Soviet Union. Under the raining dictator, Saparmurat Niyazov, the citezens are neglectid of every civil and political right. There is no freedom of assembly, no opportunity for public debate and no political opportunities. Not to mention the intimidating authority existence of a Soviet-style, secret police. Turkmenistan is also one of the poorest of the former Soviet republics, due to the bad condition that it’s people are subjected to. Up until the U.S. Government intervened using force, President Niyazov had held many high-profiled polical prisoners. Among these prisoners, there was Khaja-Makhamendov, a leader of the banned Party of Democratic Development of Turkmenistan. Khaja-Makhamendov was held in incarceration since Febuary of 1996 in a psychiatric hospital on medically unjustifable grounds. Six of the eight members of the Party of Democratic Development of Turkmenistan, also known as the â€Å"Ashgabat Eight†, were also released in April. Niyazov’s sole intentions as leader of this nation were to crack down on political and religious dissidents, to restrict freedom of the press, protest, and to eliminate all forms of democracy. In August, the police stopped 200 women from entering the capital where they intended to make their complaints directly to Niyazov. In trukmenistan there are only 2 religions aceptable and legal, Sunni Islam and Russian Orthodoxy however; the police have halted their raids on privately house-held prayer meetings. Niyazov also called for three-generation "background checks" to determine potential university students' "moral character" before they are admitted to study. Abolished his country's World Languages University, ordered that the entire printing of a new Turkmen history textbook be burned, and ordered that foreign languages should no longer... Free Essays on Turmenistan Free Essays on Turmenistan TURKMENISTAN†¦ LAGITIMATE? According to 1998’s recoded documentation, Turkmenistan has been under a dictatorship rule since the brake from the former Soviet Union. Under the raining dictator, Saparmurat Niyazov, the citezens are neglectid of every civil and political right. There is no freedom of assembly, no opportunity for public debate and no political opportunities. Not to mention the intimidating authority existence of a Soviet-style, secret police. Turkmenistan is also one of the poorest of the former Soviet republics, due to the bad condition that it’s people are subjected to. Up until the U.S. Government intervened using force, President Niyazov had held many high-profiled polical prisoners. Among these prisoners, there was Khaja-Makhamendov, a leader of the banned Party of Democratic Development of Turkmenistan. Khaja-Makhamendov was held in incarceration since Febuary of 1996 in a psychiatric hospital on medically unjustifable grounds. Six of the eight members of the Party of Democratic Development of Turkmenistan, also known as the â€Å"Ashgabat Eight†, were also released in April. Niyazov’s sole intentions as leader of this nation were to crack down on political and religious dissidents, to restrict freedom of the press, protest, and to eliminate all forms of democracy. In August, the police stopped 200 women from entering the capital where they intended to make their complaints directly to Niyazov. In trukmenistan there are only 2 religions aceptable and legal, Sunni Islam and Russian Orthodoxy however; the police have halted their raids on privately house-held prayer meetings. Niyazov also called for three-generation "background checks" to determine potential university students' "moral character" before they are admitted to study. Abolished his country's World Languages University, ordered that the entire printing of a new Turkmen history textbook be burned, and ordered that foreign languages should no longer...